Sunday, 29 November 2009

Nursebot Pearl

Old folks


Definition by

1. Not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent: an autonomous judiciary; an autonomous division of a corporate conglomerate.
2. Independent in mind or judgement; self-directed.
a. Independent of the laws of another state or government; self-governing.
b. Of or relating to a self-governing entity: an autonomous legislature.
c. Self-governing with respect to local or internal affairs: an autonomous region of a country.
4. Autonomic.

Nintendo Wii Bowling Championship for the over 65's

Thursday, 22 October 2009

The Sites in a little detail.

The corner of Victoria Avenue a61
The Job centre site , Victoria Avenue.

Comet site , Next to the Princes of Wales Mansions.

Behind parliament street. old Yates Car park.

Finding a site !

I will be considering 4 sites in central Harrogate.

1 :-To the rear of Parliament Street in a unmade car park that was previously used by the pub.

2:- Off of west park road on the site of Comet/car park next to the Prince Wales roundabout.

3:-On the corner of Victoria avenue and the A61.

4:-Between North Park Road and Victoria Avenue on the site of the Job Centre.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

The Non Care Home

This study will explore the availability and quality of town centre located accommodations for an Ageing mobile community in Harrogate.

An in-between for the over 65 and still active who don’t require care.

This could incorporate the feasibility of designing a non-care facility that is suitable and accessible to the over 65.

(Perhaps above other accommodation.)

These homes may not be suitable for hospital care, but could be supported by external health professionals with treatment rooms.

It could be a platform for :-

Iindependent and old

Hotel for the elderly person

Shared facilities

Some one to help with the washing

Some one to do the hovering

Shared areas (that don’t smell of pee), Cyber café for the elderly

(The next generation of elderly people will be able to use the Internet and do know what a dvd is , they will be able to drive a mouse)

They could have Treatment rooms like a day spa ,rather than like a hospital ward

Maybe they could have a concierge, rather than a matron.

And a Gym to encourage well being.

This could be a place for independence.

Care without carers (integrated technology)